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How Your Monthly Cycle Affects Sleep and Mood: What You Need to Know

March 25, 20243 MIN READ

Understanding how your menstrual cycle impacts your sleep and emotions can help you take better care of your well-being.

woman sleeping under a blanket
A recent study has shown that sleep is affected by the hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle.

A recent study, published in The Journal of Sleep Research, looked at how 51 healthy women experienced sleep and emotions over two menstrual cycles. The study showed the relationship between menstrual cycles, emotions, and sleep patterns.

Key findings from the study include: 

  • Women experience disruptions in their sleep patterns in the days leading up to and during their period (peri-menstrual phase), spending more time awake at night, with a lower proportion of time spent in bed that is asleep (lower sleep efficiency). 
  • During the peri-menstrual phase, women report heightened feelings of anger compared to other phases of their monthly cycle. 
  • Sleep disturbances during the peri-menstrual phase correlate with reduced positive emotions such as calmness, happiness, and enthusiasm. 

This study tells us that hormones play a big role in how we sleep and, understanding this can help doctors give better advice and support. Tracking our monthly cycle can help with identifying some potential disturbances in our sleep, mood, and productivity.

Overall, knowing how your menstrual cycle affects your sleep and mood can help you take better care of yourself. It's a reminder that our bodies are complex, and it's okay to seek support when we need it.

More information about the study

"Interaction of sleep and emotion across the menstrual cycle" by Jessica M. Meers, Joanne Bower, Sara Nowakowski, Candice Alfano. First published: 21 March 2024.

News alert: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1038479


Hati Health is a digital platform for women, providing on-demand access to products and services, including telehealth, symptom checking, holistic wellness plans and education.

We believe that being able to talk openly about women's healthcare and bringing appropriate solutions will inspire women to achieve their fullest potential in their personal and professional lives.

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