Glycosylated Hb (HbA1C)
The Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1C) Test measures the average level of blood glucose over the past two to three months by assessing the percentage of hemoglobin that is coated with glucose. This test is primarily used to diagnose and monitor diabetes, providing valuable insights into long-term blood sugar control. It helps evaluate how well diabetes is being managed and can inform necessary adjustments in treatment plans. A blood sample is taken and analyzed in a laboratory to calculate the HbA1C percentage.
Regular HbA1C testing is essential for effective diabetes management and for preventing complications, with testing typically recommended every 3-6 months for individuals with diabetes.
Participating Providers

No solid food, fruit juice, soft drinks, coffee, tea, milk, or
chewing gum 12 hours before appointment
Water intake is acceptable