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17 Hydroxyprogessterone

17 Hydroxyprogessterone


The 17-Hydroxyprogesterone test measures the level of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries that plays a key role in the production of cortisol and other steroid hormones. The test is typically done by drawing a blood sample, which is then analyzed to measure the amount of 17-OHP in the bloodstream. This test is primarily used to diagnose congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a genetic disorder that affects adrenal hormone production, as elevated levels of 17-OHP are often indicative of this condition. It is also used to assess adrenal gland function and investigate symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, early puberty, or signs of adrenal insufficiency. The 17-OHP test is commonly administered when CAH or other adrenal disorders are suspected, especially in newborns, children, or individuals presenting with unexplained hormonal imbalances.

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17 Hydroxyprogessterone

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Find best 17 Hydroxyprogesterone price. The 17-Hydroxyprogesterone test is crucial for measuring the levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, a significant hormone produced primarily by the adrenal glands and ovaries. This hormone plays a vital role in the production of steroid hormones like cortisol. Typically, the test involves drawing a blood sample, which is analyzed to assess the amount of 17-OHP in the bloodstream. This hormone test is particularly important for diagnosing congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a genetic disorder that affects adrenal hormone production, where elevated levels of 17-OHP can indicate the presence of the condition. It also helps assess adrenal gland function and can reveal symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and signs of adrenal insufficiency. The 17-OHP test is commonly performed on newborns, children, or adults who exhibit unexplained hormonal imbalances related to CAH or other adrenal disorders. By understanding these hormonal imbalances, healthcare providers can better address conditions like infertility, irregular cycles, early puberty, and more.
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