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Silica Clotting Time (SCT)

Silica Clotting Time (SCT)


The Silica Clotting Time (SCT) is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the function of the blood’s clotting ability by measuring the time it takes for blood to form a clot after silica is added to a blood sample. The test is performed by collecting a blood sample and introducing silica, a substance that activates the clotting process, to see how long it takes for the blood to clot. The SCT is primarily used to assess the presence of clotting disorders, such as deficiencies in clotting factors or abnormal platelet function. It is commonly administered when a patient has unexplained bleeding or clotting issues, or when there is a need to assess coagulation function during surgery, trauma, or in individuals with liver disease, vitamin K deficiencies, or other bleeding disorders. The SCT may also be used in certain preoperative evaluations or to monitor patients receiving anticoagulant therapy.

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Silica Clottinng Time (SCT)

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Find best Silica Clotting Time (SCT) price. The Silica Clotting Time (SCT) is a vital diagnostic test that evaluates blood clotting ability by measuring the time it takes for a clot to form after adding silica to a blood sample. This test is crucial for assessing various clotting disorders, such as deficiencies in clotting factors or abnormal platelet function, making it an essential tool for medical professionals. The SCT is particularly useful when patients experience unexplained bleeding issues or heavy bleeding, and it helps evaluate coagulation function during surgeries or after trauma. Additionally, SCT is relevant in cases involving liver disease, vitamin K deficiencies, and patients on anticoagulant therapy. By understanding the silica activation process and the implications of abnormal bleeding, healthcare providers can better manage patient care. If you are concerned about any bleeding issues, getting tested for Silica Clotting Time in the Philippines can offer vital information for diagnosis and treatment decisions.
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